Our anti-crime workshop is 90 minutes in duration for young people and pupils. It outlines the futility of crime and the impact of a criminal record and a prison sentence on the future of young people in particular. We have been delivering these workshops since February 2012 and have received considerable support from the various places we have visited. Our workshop is aimed at educating young people in regards to environmental anti-social behaviour, focusing on social responsibilities; crime diversion; attitudes and consequential thinking, all of which are aimed at deterring young people at risk of offending or re-offending from entering the Criminal Justice System. We seek to help young people achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as law-abiding citizens and as members of their local community. It is the most popular module for all the schools we visit annually. The workshop covers the following:
Drugs and alcohol
Peer pressure
Making The Right Choices In Life
Exploring real prison clothing, bedding, plates, bowl, cutlery and many more with pupils to deter them
Consequences of a criminal record
Drugs and Alcohol

For all secondary/high school workshops delivered in West Kent (in green excluding Medway), we charge £245 for a single session and can deliver a maximum of two sessions for a total of £345 in one visit in the same venue.
For all primary school workshops delivered in West Kent (in green excluding Medway), we charge £125 for a single session.
As we are a West Kent based local charity, for all secondary/high school workshops delivered outside of our coverage area of West Kent (coverage area colour of yellow and red/pink) due to the travel and mileage involve, we charge £345 for a single session and can deliver a maximum of two sessions for a total of £445 in one visit in the same venue.
For all primary school workshops delivered outside of our coverage area of West Kent (coverage area colour of yellow and red/pink), we charge £200 for a single session.
We only invoice after the workshop and only on the basis that your students/clients and your staff were satisfied with the content, impact and delivery of the session. With our ‘No Risk’ fee charging policy, if you are not satisfied with our workshop for any reason, we shall not invoice you and you will receive no further contact from us, now or in the future.
All of Reform Restore Respect services to the community are developed to be PSHE focused for schools, early intervention, educative, reduce crime and youth offending, improve community safety and help individuals achieve in schools with qualifications. Our Workshops will not only help the young people but also help professionals who work with vulnerable young people and adults to understand their ‘world’, thinking and lives to help and improve their work in supporting them.